AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: Generating structure of polyethylene glycol in AMBER
From: FyD (
Date: Thu Mar 22 2007 - 16:11:07 CST
Quoting Lili Peng <>:
>> I am new to AMBER, and I would like to know what is the best way to
> generate
>> a structure of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in AMBER. Should I compose a
> prep
>> file and process it in xleap or antechamber and then generate a PDB file?
> Any guidance
>> would be greatly appreciated.
You can also use R.E.D. to derive
RESP charge values & generate a Tripos mol2 file as a precursor of a
FF library...
Exemple of many R.E.D. jobs are available in R.E.D.D.B.
See of instance the W-46 & W-79 R.E.DD.B. projects
regards, Francois
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