AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: RE: AMBER: hi..

From: Rafi Ahmad (
Date: Tue Mar 13 2007 - 06:32:18 CST

In linux/unix you can go do by using vi command and editing the file or
just use some text editor available both in windows and unix.


I suggest you check out some linux man pages.





From: [] On Behalf
Of Anju Sharma
Sent: 13. mars 2007 13:28
Subject: Re: AMBER: hi..


i am running tutorial "Simulating DNA......" in this i hd created
file thn thn created nuc.out and nuc.pdb files . Now i have to introduce
TER cards in pdb file, so for this i hc to open my pdb file. So problem
is how to open or edit pdb file

On 3/13/07, Carlos Simmerling < > wrote:

you need to tell us clearly what you want to do.
do you mean you don't have a file editing program, or that
you don't have a pdb file, or you don't know why you need TER lines,
or you have multiple pdb files and don't know which one to use?

On 3/13/07, Anju Sharma <
<> > wrote:
> where should i put TER. I mean which file. where to open my pdb file
> editing
> Anju Sharma
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Anju Sharma 

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