AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: addles segmentation fault
From: deepti nayar (
Date: Wed Mar 07 2007 - 01:18:39 CST
i had installed amber9 on red hat linux properly and i did not build
any parallel version. i am trying to run addles now and it gives
segmentation fault. i have even tried the test run and it is also not
working and i get the following error.
Segmentation fault
diffing out_addles.cs with out_addles
possible FAILURE: check out_addles.dif
Segmentation fault
diffing with pimd.restrt
possible FAILURE: check pimd.restrt.dif
for further information,i had installed amber9 with g95 compiler.
can anybody please tell me what to do in order to solve this problem
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