AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: Trimannoside Problem
From: Sandeep Kaushik (
Date: Tue Mar 06 2007 - 06:44:20 CST
I am using AMBER9 on an HP machine and want to include a trimannoside in my
MD simulation. So i have created an OFF file of it as MAN.lib where i have
specified the atom types and charges according to glycam04 force field.
However in the absence of an angle <<O5-C1-O1>> (as none of the units of
Glycam04 has it) and hence the dihedral angle <<O5-C1-O1-H1>> i get the
error message upon saving the top and crd files as follows....
Checking Unit.
ERROR: The unperturbed charge of the unit: -47.160000 is not integral.
WARNING: The unperturbed charge of the unit: -47.160000 is not zero.
ERROR: The perturbed charge: -47.160000 is not integral.
WARNING: The perturbed charge: -47.160000 is not zero.
-- ignoring the errors and warnings.
Building topology.
Building atom parameters.
Building bond parameters.
Building angle parameters.
Could not find angle parameter: OH - CG - OS
Building proper torsion parameters.
** No torsion terms for CG-OS-CG-OH
Building improper torsion parameters.
total 2880 improper torsions applied
Building H-Bond parameters.
Parameter file was not saved.
So I inorder to be able to modify the glycam04.dat file i copied it to a new
directory along with the and determined the Angle and Dihedral
values using INSIGHT II. (& K theta, n, V, and Phi0 values were randomly
picked from glycam04.dat file just to check whether it works or not?). THen
i modified glycam04.dat and tired to load the molecule
again, only to get another error message as follows..
No mass was defined for non-bond atom type: END - ignoring
Loading Prep file: ./
I could remove this message (in bold face) by deleting the one out of two
repeating words "END" in the glycam.dat file but i guess that it is not
correct to do so as the original glycam04.dat file has both words. And upon
saving the parmtop and crd files i get the error message...
Checking Unit.
ERROR: The unperturbed charge of the unit: -47.160000 is not integral.
WARNING: The unperturbed charge of the unit: -47.160000 is not zero.
ERROR: The perturbed charge: -47.160000 is not integral.
WARNING: The perturbed charge: -47.160000 is not zero.
-- ignoring the errors and warnings.
Building topology.
Building atom parameters.
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM1 1> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM2 2> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM3 3> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM4 4> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM5 5> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM6 6> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM7 12> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM8 13> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM9 14> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CM0 15> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMA 16> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMB 17> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMC 24> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMD 25> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CME 26> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMF 27> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMG 28> Could not find type: CG
For atom: .R<MAN 949>.A<CMH 29> Could not find type: CG
Parameter file was not saved.
Plz tell me how to make LEaP recognize this trimannoside without giving
errors while saving the parmtop and crd files for my MD simulation...
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