AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: Comparison of normal modes with ptraj?
Date: Wed Feb 14 2007 - 07:08:38 CST
Dear Harald,
I can send you a Perl module that can parse ptraj eigenvector files.
You could then calculate a dot product between all vectors of the two
different complexes, provided that the structures have been aligned to
a common reference prior to calculating the modes.
Let me know if this is of interest to you.
Best regards
Quoting Harald Lanig <>:
> Dear amber community,
> I am interested in how different ligands affect the normal modes of
> always the same protein. Therefore, I performed an ptraj analysis of
> the trajectories always following the scheme:
> rms to reference
> matrix mwcovar
> analyze matrix
> projection modes
> to get the mass-weighted modes and projections for visualization eg
> with vmd. All this works fine. The remaining question is:
> How can I compare the modes from different simulations? Is there a
> possibility to calculate an "inner product" between all modes to get
> a "similarity index array"? I need to quantify their similarities to
> get information like "mode 2 in simulation 1 is most similar to mode
> 3 in simluation 2".
> Any help or hint is highly appreciated!
> Kind regards,
> -Harald Lanig
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Harald Lanig Universitaet Erlangen/Nuernberg
> Computer-Chemie-Centrum Naegelsbachstr. 25, D-91052 Erlangen
> Phone +49(0)9131-85 26525 email: lanig AT
> Fax +49(0)9131-85 26565
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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