AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: RE: AMBER: MM-PBSA doubt
From: Ray Luo (rluo_at_uci.edu)
If you set MS to 1, only SURFTEN and SURFOFF are used for MS calculations
So if you use different SURFTEN and SURFOFF between PB and GB, you will get
All the best,
Ray Luo, Ph.D.
Dept Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697
USPS: PO Box 3900
Phone: (949) 824-9528
Email: rluo_at_uci.edu
Web: http://rayl0.bio.uci.edu/
-----Original Message-----
Dear Luo,
Thanks for the reply.
I have set MS=1 and PB and GB= 1 for the calculations.
Thanking you,
Ray Luo <rluo_at_uci.edu> wrote:
How did you set MS in the file "mm_pbsa.in" for each of the tests that you
Ray Luo, Ph.D.
Dept Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697
USPS: PO Box 3900
Phone: (949) 824-9528
Email: rluo_at_uci.edu
Web: http://rayl0.bio.uci.edu/
-----Original Message-----
Dear AMBER users,
I have a question about the mm-pbsa calculation of free energy.
I got comparable values for PBTOT and GBTOT.
SURFTEN= 0.0072 and SUROFF = 00 is used in the GB section.
Which values should I use for the use of GB and PB calculations?
Please help me.
Thanking you,
Mathew K Varghese
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Mathew K Varghese
email mathew_kvarghese_at_yahoo.co.in
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