AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: radius of gyration

From: Thomas Cheatham III (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2007 - 15:21:20 CST

> Sorry, could you please tell me some details for the download of Praj? I
> tried to find it on the website, but I didn't.

There is a link on the AMBER WWW page that points to my out-dated (2003)
ptraj version ( However, that
version is not up-to-date with AMBER 9.0 and does not implement the radius
of gyration. Soon I'll update my WWW page and the AMBER page to release a
stand-alone version that has the full capabilities of ptraj in AMBER 9.0;
until then, your only choice for radius of gyration is working through
carnal, AMBER 9.0, or by cribbing some code/program off the net...

-- tec3 @

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