AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: amber9 parralel compiling
From: Seaclear Theory (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 20:15:05 CST
HI! Nikola and David,
I have the exactly same problem. However, I cannot resolve it following this
email. Could you do me a favor provide a detial instruction for this issue?
I have the same compiler, installation directory and error meesage as
Nikola's. Thanks for your help very much!
Thanks a lot! That worked.
Nikola Trbovic
On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 15:54 -0800, David A. Case wrote:
*> On Thu, Nov 30, 2006, Nikola Trbovic wrote: *
*> *
*> > Here's the output for the failing step and some warnings before it. *
*> *
*> > g95 -ffree-form -o sander.MPI evb_vars.o evb_input.o evb_init.o *
*> *
*> .... *
*> *
*> > qm_div.o force.o \ *
*> > ../lmod/lmod.a ../lapack/lapack.a ../blas/blas.a \ *
*> > ../lib/nxtsec.o ../lib/sys.a -L/usr/local/lam_amber/lib - *
*> > L/usr/local/lam_amber/lib -llamf77mpi -lmpi -llam -lutil -ldl -lpthread
*> > evb_init.o(.text+0x4f7): In function `evb_init_': *
*> > : undefined reference to `mpi_bcast_' *
*> *
*> Try this: *
*> *
*> cd /usr/local/lam_amber/lib *
*> nm liblamf77mpi.a | grep bcast *
*> *
*> Amber is expecting to see the entry "mpi_bcast_". Be sure you don't have
*> something that looks like this, but with an extra "_" before or after the
*> name. Note that amber compiles its fortran programs with the *
*> "-fno-second-underscore" flag set, and it may be that you need this same
*> flag when building lam. (Or, leave it out from sander -- I can't remember
why *
*> this is there....) *
*> *
*> ...see if this helps clarify what is going on.....dac *
*> *
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