AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: AMBER: evaluate expression

From: Ji-Lai Li (
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 22:14:11 CST

Dear amber users:
  I encountered a strange error when i do the exercise of Case Study: All
Atom Structure Prediction and Folding Simulations of a Stable Protein
(Folding Trp-Cage Peptide).
  In the 6.1.4 section, it says the evaluate expression:
*y = (y < -100) ? y=y+360 : y.* However, my xmgrace prompts:
[Error] syntax error: Y= (Y < -100) ? Y=Y+360 :Y [Error] Error in
do_compute(), check formula

 Can you give me any suggestion? I am not familiar with this.



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