AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: RE: AMBER: Defining BOX INFO during TLEAP
From: Akshay Patny (
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 13:54:37 CST
I did following in VMD
Main console display active (Tcl8.4.1 / Tk8.4.1)
(Desktop) 26 % set sel [atomselect top all]
>Main< (Desktop) 27 % measure minmax $sel
{-12.9750003815 -5.4439997673 -0.989000022411} {119.277000427
106.664001465 74.4410018921}
Thus I got following XYZ dimensions for my system:
x = 132.2520008085
y = 112.1080012323
z = 75.430001914511
Now, as the atom diameters are not calculated in VMD, so do you
recommend adding 5 A in each dimension (or may be less like 2 or 3 A)
for making a periodic box around the system
Thanks for your suggestions.
Best Regards, -Akshay Patny (Olemiss)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Akshay Patny
PhD Candidate (5th Yr.), Computational Chemistry
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy
The University of Mississippi
805 College Hill Rd, # 9, Oxford, MS 38655
Phone (O): (662)-915-1286,(M): (662)-801-5496
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of David A. Case
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: AMBER: Defining BOX INFO during TLEAP
On Mon, Jan 22, 2007, Akshay Patny wrote:
> I have the PDB file of lipid-protein-ligand-water system which I want
> to load using TLEAP and write corresponding PRMTOP INPCRD files for
> doing simulation in AMBER 8.
> I want to do these simulations using PBC (NPT). While doing
> minimization, I got the following message >>>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Flags: MPI
> getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd
> | peek_ewald_inpcrd: Box info not found in inpcrd
> |Largest sphere to fit in unit cell has radius = *********
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Can somebody please tell me if we do not use TLEAP to solvate system
> (e.g. using solvateoct command), then what is the procedure of
> defining the BOX Info in the INPCRD and PRMTOP files?
Look at the "setBox" and "set box ..." commands in LEaP. (These are two
separate commands, and you probably want the second one.)
....good luck...dac
...good luck...dac
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