AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: organic solvent : hexan octan

From: Sophie Barbe (
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 12:28:38 CST

Thank you for your suggestion.

Selon Cenk Andac <>:

> I do not have a library for hexane/octane solvent box. but I was just
> thinking may be you could try a GB implicit solvent simulation and set its
> dielectric constant to the solvent you want. For instance dielectric constant
> for hexane is about 1.9 i believe...
> good luck..
> jenk
> Sophie Barbe <> wrote:
> Hi amber users,
> I would like to perform a molecular dynamic of a protein in explicit organic
> solvent: hexan or octan.
> Do you have .lib files for these solvents? could you send them to me ?
> Or otherwise could you explain me how can I generate these files?
> Thank you very much
> Sophie
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