AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: dihedral angle by Ptraj
From: Esther Brugger (
Date: Tue Jan 23 2007 - 12:24:42 CST
Dear All,
I have a basic question about dihedral angles calculation by Ptraj.
I want to calculate a dihedral angle in residue 1 to 5, is it correct if I use following command:
dihedral w1_resid_1a :1-5_at_C77 :1-5_at_N6 :1-5_at_C66 :1-5_at_C68 out w1_resid1_a.dat
or I need to specify seperatly of these angles by doing like this:
dihedral w1_resid_1a :1_at_C77 :1_at_N6 :1_at_C66 :1_at_C68 out w1_resid1_a.dat
dihedral w1_resid_2a :2_at_C77 :2_at_N6 :2_at_C66 :2_at_C68 out w1_resid2_a.dat
dihedral w1_resid_3a :3_at_C77 :3_at_N6 :3_at_C66 :3_at_C68 out w1_resid3_a.dat
dihedral w1_resid_4a :4_at_C77 :4_at_N6 :4_at_C66 :4_at_C68 out w1_resid4_a.dat
dihedral w1_resid_5a :5_at_C77 :5_at_N6 :5_at_C66 :5_at_C68 out w1_resid5_a.dat
I am just wondering if I use ":1-5" command, the program will calculate the angles between the residues, for example:
:1_at_C77 :2_at_N6 :2_at_C66 :2_at_C68
Any help will be grealtly appreciated.
Esther B.
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