AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: Re: AMBER: mm-pbsa, long distance free energy calculation problem
From: Wei Chen (
Date: Thu Jan 18 2007 - 14:24:26 CST
I don't know whether you mean binding free energy (dG) or free energy of the
complex. Notice that the interaction energy you mentioned should be only
mechanical energy, not include solvation energy.
Wei Chen
On 1/18/07, Bing Liu <> wrote:
> Dear Amber user, I use mm-pbsa calculating the free energy of
> serial protein-protein complexes, in the first try, I didn't calculate the
> entropy for considering the huge computational power (only include PBTOT).
> In my protein-protein complex, I translate one of the protein around
> the other in XY planet by every one angstrom, therefore, a serial
> protein-protein complexes samples were generated. But the result was not as
> I expected - the longer distance between those two proteins, the weaker
> interaction energies they will have. The computational result is within a
> certain distance, the longer distance the weaker interactions (about 14A).
> But after that, the energy becomes lower (14A to 20A between those two
> proteins).
> I'm very appreciating* *to any of your explanations for that?
> Bing Liu
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