AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: output

From: Thaison Tran (
Date: Sun Jan 14 2007 - 01:59:56 CST

yeah you could use the VI text viewer in UNIX.

use command: vi <filename> for example.... vi min.out this will
open and allow you to view the .out file, you could also do this with many
other files. To exit and not save type :q!, search online for VI commands
hope this helps.


On 1/13/07, khn _ <> wrote:
> hi
> is there any way that i could get a list of minimized
> energy for each residues or atoms in a protein (elec,
> vdw, bond, angle etc) after doing the minimization
> process using sander module? instead of the total
> energy for whole molecule as in what the general way
> of presenting the min.out file
> thanks and hope someone can help me
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