AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: RE: AMBER: question about the testing of AMBER9

From: Ross Walker (
Date: Sat Jan 06 2007 - 17:37:06 CST

Hi Shaoqing,
You appear to be running Fedora Core 5. On this I believe the X11 libraries
are part of the xorg rpm package (although I could be mistaken). Anyway,
have a look for xorg_devel or something similar. The devel part is the
important part since most people don't install the development packages
which are often needed if you are going to be building software, such as
amber, on your machine.
All the best

|\oss Walker

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| San Diego Supercomputer Center |
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From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 15:07
Subject: Re: AMBER: question about the testing of AMBER9

Thank you very much for your reply. However, after I installed all the
packages which "Applications/Add/Remove Software" on the Linux machine could
search about "X11", I still get the same error message. Can you show me
which specific libraries I should install?

$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-1.2239.fc5 #1 SMP Fri Nov 10 12:51:06 EST 2006
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Looking forward to your replies.

Shaoqing Zhang

----- Original Message -----
From: "David A. Case" <>
Date: Friday, January 5, 2007 10:59 pm
Subject: Re: AMBER: question about the testing of AMBER9

> On Fri, Jan 05, 2007, wrote:
> > IPO link: can not find -lXt
> It looks like you don't have the X11 libraries installed on your
> system.These are required to make the graphical version of
> LEaP. You can load
> the libraries (exact command depends on your OS), or follow the
> comments in
> the Makefile to skip that step and use the text-only version.
> ...good luck...dac (who is *still* hoping some developer or
> enterprisingstudent who might want future letters of
> recommendation will step up to the
> plate and modify the configure script to check for this at
> configuration time)
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