AMBER Archive (2007)Subject: AMBER: torsion angle penalty calculation
From: Mike Summers (
Date: Wed Jan 03 2007 - 09:18:34 CST
David (or anyone who can help),
I'm trying to fix torsion angles using torsion restraints
in an NMR restraint file.
# C6-C7-N1-C8
rk2=10000.0, rk3=10000.0, ialtd=0,
iat=2273,2274,2263,2275, r1=-180.10, r2=-180.05, r3=-179.95, r4=-179.90, /
When I look at the output file, it appears that the penalty
for the torsion angle restraints is being calculated differently
from the NOE-distance penalties, even though IPNLTY is set to 1.
Restraints, deviations, and energy contributions: pencut = 0.00
First atom Last atom curr. value target deviation penalty
C7 cap 146 -- N1 cap 146: -180.156 -180.050 0.106 0.025 t
N1 cap 146 -- C8 cap 146: -180.078 -180.050 0.028 0.002 t
C8 cap 146 -- N2 cap 146: 180.292 180.050 0.242 0.066 t
HE1 HID 62 -- *HB3 ALA 64: 3.980 3.800 0.180 0.645 d 0: 0
HZ2 TRP 23 -- *H03 cap 146: 5.517 5.500 0.017 0.006 d 0: 0
HH2 TRP 23 -- *H03 cap 146: 5.401 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
H6 cap 146 -- *HG13 VAL 27: 2.867 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
*HG13 VAL 27 -- H5 cap 146: 5.161 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
HB VAL 59 -- H6 cap 146: 2.710 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
*HG23 VAL 59 -- H6 cap 146: 4.637 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
*HB3 ALA 65 -- H6 cap 146: 5.472 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
*HB3 ALA 65 -- H3 cap 146: 2.993 5.500 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
*HB3 ALA 31 -- H5 cap 146: 3.091 3.800 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
*HG23 ILE 141 -- *H03 cap 146: 4.239 4.300 0.000 0.000 d 0: 0
Total distance penalty: 0.650
Total torsion penalty: 0.093
I assume it is the penalty that is used during the structure calculations.
If so, is there a flag or parameter that allows the penalty for torsion angles
to be calculated linearly with deviation, or better yet, to scale at a much
greater rate than linear? The torsion angles are varying significantly during
the calculations, and I'd like to keep them relatively rigid.
Michael F. Summers
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
Phone: (410)-455-2527
FAX: (410)-455-1174
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