from os import system import types class DSSP: def __init__(self,fstr_pdb,dssp="~/bin/dssp"): system(dssp+" "+fstr_pdb+" dssp.out 2>temp.junk") fp = open("dssp.out","r") while(1): if(fp.readline()[2] == '#'): break self.content = fp.readlines() fp.close() self.secArray = [] self.phiArray = [] self.psiArray = [] import Numeric as N rn = len(self.content)+2; self.hbond = N.zeros((rn,rn),N.Float) # NH--O self.hbond2 = N.zeros((rn,rn),N.Float) # O--HN for line in self.content: if(line[13] == '!'): continue self.secArray.append(line[16]) self.phiArray.append(float(line[103:109])) self.psiArray.append(float(line[109:115])) i = int(line[6:10]) - 1 #as donor j = int(line[41:45]) self.hbond[i][i+j] = float(line[46:50]) j = int(line[63:67]) self.hbond[i][i+j] = float(line[68:72]) #as acceptor j = int(line[52:56]) self.hbond2[i][i+j] = float(line[57:61]) j = int(line[74:78]) self.hbond2[i][i+j] = float(line[79:83]) class PDB: def __init__(self,fstr_pdb): fp = open(fstr_pdb,"r") = fstr_pdb self._content = fp.readlines() self.coord = [] for line in self._content: if(line[:3] != "TER"): self.coord.append(float(line[30:38])) self.coord.append(float(line[38:46])) self.coord.append(float(line[46:54])) fp.close() def numberOfAtoms(self): n = 0 for line in self._content: if(line[:4] == 'ATOM'): n += 1 return n def numberOfLinesInSnap(self,ifbox=0): """determine how many lines the coordinations of a conformation will occupay""" from math import ceil natoms = self.numberOfAtoms() n = ceil(natoms*3.0/10) size = natoms*3*8 + n if(ifbox): n += 1 size += 25 return int(n),int(size) def newpdb(self,crdstr,fstr="outpdb"): """make a newpdb from a set of coordination (a snapshot from trajectory file)""" outpdb = open(fstr,"w") i = 0 if(type(crdstr[0]) == types.StringType): for line in self._content: if(line[:4] != 'ATOM'): outpdb.write(line) else: outpdb.write(line[:30]+crdstr[i:i+24]+'\n') i += 24 elif(type(crdstr[0] == types.FloatType)): for line in self._content: if(line[:4] != 'ATOM'): outpdb.write(line) else: outpdb.write("%s%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n" %(line[:30],crdstr[i],crdstr[i+1],crdstr[i+2])) i += 3 outpdb.close() def sas(self,fstr="",MSMS="~/MSMS/"): """calculate solvent accessbile area and hydrophobic accessible area""" if fstr=="": fstr = system(MSMS+"pdb_to_xyzrn"+" "+fstr+" >temp.xyzrn") system(MSMS+"msms"+" "+" -noh -if temp.xyzrn -af temp >temp.log") fp = open("temp.area","r") lines = fp.readlines() sas = 0; hp = 0 # hydrophobic for i in range(1,len(lines)): data = float(lines[i][16:22]) sas += data if lines[i][24] == 'C': hp += data return sas, hp def correlation(A,B): """calculate the correlation function between two sets of data. The definition of correlation function is based on equ(7.73) from <>, Andrew Leach.""" import Numeric as N from math import sqrt n = len(A) C = N.zeros((n,),N.Float) A = A - N.add.reduce(A)/n B = B - N.add.reduce(B)/n for i in range(n): C[i]=A[i]*B[i] nominator = N.add.reduce(C) denominator = sqrt((N.add.reduce(A**2)/n) * (N.add.reduce(B**2)/n)) return nominator/denominator