AMBER Archive (2006)Subject: Re: AMBER: strange values of the energy of "1-4 EEL" , "EAMBER" andthe RMS
From: Zhihong Yu (computation_at_mail.nankai.edu.cn)
Dear professor Simmerling,
>your energies are very high- something must be wrong with your
Moreover, as you've mentioned, I haven't add counterions to neutralize my MD system, so it has a charge of -9, could this result in very big "1-4 EEL" ?
>it could also be that your refc isn't the same as your inpcrd. we don't know since you didn't show the script.
I've minimized added waters successfully (all solute fixed with 500 kcal/mol*A force constraints) to get a "relaxwater_min.rst" file, then in this step I used it as my "inpcrd" and "refc" file
Thanks in advance, best regards!
Zhihong, Yu
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