AMBER Archive (2006)Subject: Re: AMBER: Heme parameters
From: Weihua Li (
Date: Wed Aug 09 2006 - 21:44:15 CDT
Hi Marcelo,
You can refer to these papers: Proteins:structure,Function, and
Bioinformatics 62:1074-1087,2006; 64:147-155,2006. Besides,you may also ask
Dr.Danni L. Harris to get the force field parameters of HEME in P450s.
Good luck,
Weihua Li
2006/8/10, Marcelo Puiatti <>:
> hello, I´m trying to calculate RESP charges for an Fe(IV) hexacoordinated
> model complex. First I´ve calculated the ESP Fit charges with the g03
> keyword pop=MK but the program need the Merz/Kollman radii of Iron.
> Could some help to estimate a value for this radius?
> Thank´s
> Marcelo
Best regards,
Weihua Li
Lab of Molecular Modeling and Design
School of Pharmacy
East China University of Science and Technology
Mailbox 268
130 Mei Long Road
Shanghai 200237,China
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