AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: AMBER: gibbs compilation error
From: Nelson Fonseca (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 11:41:27 CST
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you
-- Dan Stanford--
Im having a problem with the compilation of gibbs with
ifc8 compiler.
The results of the compilation errors are:
ifortbin -o gibbs gib.o mdread.o runmd.o force.o
nnbond.o giba.o gibb.o gibb2.o decnvh.o micst.o misc.o
machinedep.o nmr_strip.o slwadj.o veloc.o torcon.o rstin.o
connrg.o pratgr.o derivs.o derdlm.o fastwt.o tripl.o
polars.o parallel.o ewald.o mexit.o ../lib/amopen.o
../lib/random.o ../lib/matinv.o ../lib/lsqfit.o
../lib/nxtsec.o ../lib/sys.a -L/opt/intel/mkl70/lib/32
-lvml -lmkl_lapack64 -lmkl -lguide -lpthread
ewald.o(.text+0x1111): In function `chk_erfc_':
: undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
ewald.o(.text+0x3582): In function `fill_erf_table_':
: undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
ewald.o(.text+0x11c0a): In function `ew_startup_.':
: undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
ewald.o(.text+0x11eb4): In function `ew_startup_.':
: undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
ewald.o(.text+0x193f4): In function `find_ewaldcof_':
: undefined reference to `derfcfun_'
ewald.o(.text+0x19469): more undefined references to
`derfcfun_' follow
make: *** [gibbs] Error 1
Can someone have an idea of what is going wrong with the
Thanks in advance
Nelson Fonseca
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