AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: Re: AMBER: Solaris f77 Machine file for Amber7?
From: Joe Nolan (
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 10:45:50 CST
Dear Amber Community,
When attempting to use only the "Machine.g77" machine-file, I was
given an error. The compilation appears to be running smoothly until
this error occurs. To save space I've only included the last portion of
the compilation where the error occurs:
g77 -c -g -fno-globals -ff90 -funix-intrinsics-hide _matinv_.f
../Compile L0 -P -DDPREC decomp.f
cat decomp.f | cpp -traditional -P -DDPREC -DLinux >
g77 -c -g -fno-globals -ff90 -funix-intrinsics-hide _decomp_.f
( SYSDIR=`../sysdir dir` ; echo sysdir is $SYSDIR ; \
cd $SYSDIR ; make sys.a )
sysdir is /usr/local/amber7/src/Machines/standard
../../Compile L1 -P sys.f
cat sys.f | cpp -traditional -P -DLinux > _sys_.f
g77 -c -O3 -fno-globals -ff90 -funix-intrinsics-hide _sys_.f
../../Compile CC erfcfun.c
gcc -c -DLinux erfcfun.c
../../Compile CC etime.c
gcc -c -DLinux etime.c
../../Compile CC amfdate.c
gcc -c -DLinux amfdate.c
../../Compile CC wallclock.c
gcc -c -DLinux wallclock.c
ar r sys.a sys.o erfcfun.o etime.o amfdate.o wallclock.o
sh: ar: not found
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `sys.a'
Current working directory /usr/local/amber7/src/Machines/standard
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `syslib'
Current working directory /usr/local/amber7/src/sander
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `install'
Any and all further help is greatly appreciated!
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