AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: A tool for building coordinates of huge macromolecules

From: Joachim Reichelt (
Date: Wed Sep 15 2004 - 11:37:05 CDT

Hwankyu Lee schrieb:

> Dear amber-users,
> I would like to make coordinates of huge macromolecules like
> dendrimer. Dendrimer is huge molecule but has repeated structures,
> getting bigger.
> I realized that LEaP can be used to build molecules, but it is not easy..
> Could you tell me which tool I can use to build coordinates of huge
> molecule which has repeated simple structure? (I prefer free
> software)
> Absolutely, it should be compatible with AMBER.

If you know the matrix used in crystallography to build thje repaet, you
may try BRAGI

> best,
> Hwankyu.
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Mit freundlichen Gruessen                         Best Regards
         Joachim Reichelt

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