AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: AMBER: Amber: BOMB
From: Helios (p9890101_at_mail.ncku.edu.tw)
Dear all, I am minimizing a protein with ~15984 atoms (included water molecules) on SGI system (CPU:1*350MHz, Main Memory:256Mb, Swap:128Mb). When running with sander, after five
* NB pairs 15525 7199515 exceeds capacity ( 7200000)
I have increased the value for MAXPR already, and it can't seem more than 7200000. Does this question could be solve if I buy more memory (e.g., 512MB) or any parameters I need to correct?
p.s. When I use "unlimit datasize" command, it happens "Unlimit: datasize: Can't remove limit".
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