AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: About the Amber constraint constant

From: Yuhui Cheng (
Date: Tue Aug 17 2004 - 01:34:24 CDT

Hi, Dave,
     I think that you might misunderstand me. In
"_disnrg.f", the comments line is correct, as you
wrote down:
     ! r1 <= r <= r2 : E = k2*(r-r2)**2
     ! r2 <= r <= r3 : E = 0
     ! r3 <= r <= r4 : E = k3*(r-r3)**2

     But can you check the program line?
      else if (rij < r2) then
         dif = rij - r2
         df = 2.0d0 * k2 * dif
         e = k2*dif*dif
      else if (rij <= r3) then
         e = 0.0d0
         do m=1,6
            dfr(m) = 0.0d0
         end do
      else if (rij < r4) then
         dif = rij - r3
         df = 2.0d0 * k3 * dif
         e = k3*dif*dif

      Subroutine "disnrg" has been used in "nmrred.f
", k2 is the "rk2" and k3 is the "rk3", so in the
program line it seems you didn't think about "1/2",
and I'm not sure whether my understanding is correct.

--- "David A. Case" <> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 15, 2004, Yuhui Cheng wrote:
> > When Sander set the harmonic constraint using
> NMR metnod, Dr. Alan
> > Grossfield mentioned in his WHAM program that
> the constraint energy
> > should be "E=k*(x-x0)^2" instead of
> "E=(1/2)*k*(x-x0)^2". I checked the
> > fortran source code "_disnrg.f" in the
> $AMBERHOME/src/sander/ and found
> > that the comments line use the formula
> "E=(1/2)*k*(x-x0)^2" but the
> > program line neglected the "1/2". Is my
> understanding correct?
> I guess I'm missing something here: the comments in
> disnrg.f look OK to me:
> ! r1 <= r <= r2 : E = k2*(r-r2)**2
> ! r2 <= r <= r3 : E = 0
> ! r3 <= r <= r4 : E = k3*(r-r3)**2
> I could not find any comment (at least in versions 7
> an 8) that correspond
> to what you quoted. If you can identify the bad
> comment more precisely, we
> will get it fixed.
> ...dac
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