AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Problem: Installing Amber8 on PC with Windows XP

From: fangyu liang (
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 16:47:08 CDT


I tried all you have tried and experienced all you have experienced. I switched to free SUSE Linux and then sucessfully installed Amber 8 with free Intel Fortran 90 compiler. That is what I did. Good luck!

P.S. when installing the compiler and Amber 8 in Linux, you need to have some basic Unix knowledge to make things work.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nhat-hang Duong <>
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2004 1:38 pm
Subject: AMBER: Problem: Installing Amber8 on PC with Windows XP

> Hi,
> Does anybody have problem installing Amber8 on a PC (Pentium IV) with
> Windows XP?
> I have installed:
> 1) Cygwin (downloaded from
> 2) Amber8
> 3) Absoft Complier
> When I followed the instruction to install Amber 8, here is what I get:
> "$ ./configure -p4 absoft
> Warning: the AMBERHOME environment variable is not defined!
> It usualy should be set to the path of Amber's top level
> directory.
> Caution: Setting AMBERHOME to /home/Hang/amber8 !
> Setting up Amber configuration file for architecture: absoft
> Using parallel communications library: none
> The configuration file, config.h, was successfully created."
> Additionally, when I try to compile using "make serial," I get the
> following error "make: command not found." This seems like the same
> problem that fangyu liang had, but I didn't find a solution posted.
> Could you help? Any hint is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> --Hang
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: David A. Case <>
> Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 02:01:57 BST
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2004, fangyu liang wrote:
> >
> > Does any one have the Config file that I can use to install Amber 8 on PC?
> > Here is the situation:
> >
> > I tried to install Amber 8 on my PC. My PC is Intel Pentium 4 with Window
> > XP as operating system.
> > I installed Fortran PowerStation 4.0 and it is Fortran 90 compiler by
> > Microsoft Developer Studio 1994-95. I installed the latest cygwin from
> >
> >
> > I did the following at cygwin:
> >
> > $./configure -p4
> This should have given you an error message, since you did not specify an
> architecture/compiler. Try typing "./configure -help" for more
> information.
> >
> > then,
> >
> > $make serial
> >
> > An error message showed up, saying 'make' is not a command.
> "make" is a cygwin command, but is only present if you install the proper
> parts of cygwin (including the development tools).
> Overall, I suspect that you are going down a path that is not very likely
> to succeed. You first need to become comfortable with cygwin as an
> environment. Second, I have grave doubts that a 1994-95 compiler will
> work:
> Windows 95 was the first 32-bit Microsoft operating system; a compiler
> that
> pre-dates that is likely to target just the 16-bit DOS environment. If
> your
> compiler does happen to be a 32-bit compiler, you might try carefully
> trying
> to compile just that sander program, certainly being willing to do some
> debugging.
> ....good luck...dac
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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