AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: RESP vs. AM1-BCC charges for isoprene

From: Joe Harriman (
Date: Sat Jul 17 2004 - 07:44:47 CDT

Hi Oliver,

Two things that might be of interest to you. First, like Rhonda said make sure that you
tell antechamber the right charge during the AM1-BCC calculation. In addition, I have
also experimented with AM1-BCC charges. I have compared the charges obtained from
AM1-BCC to several of my molecules with RESP charges which had been previously been
calculated. Overall I noticed that there was too much charge deviation (ie. +/- 0.5 to
1.0 charge unit deviation on individual atoms), especially in larger molecules.
However, I am dealing with peptides of 100+ atoms. Therefore, it would have been
useful for me to use AM1-BCC as it could save literally weeks of calculation time. The
AM1-BCC method may work better with smaller molecules with fewer functional groups.
Overall, the take home message that I got from this is that although AM1-BCC is much
faster than RESP it is not as accurate. Hope this helps.

Joe Harriman

David J. Harriman
Computational Chemistry
Dept. of Chemistry
Univeristy of New Brunswick
Toole Hall, Room 228

Quoting Oliver Hucke <>:

> Dear Amber users,
> I have derived partial charges for an isoprene moiety with AM1-BCC and
> with the resp procedure. I was surprised by the big differences of some
> charge values - as you can see in this sketch:
> H3 0.04 H3 0.10
> | |
> C -0.06 H 0.11 C -0.36 H 0.09
> \ / \ /
> -0.12 C=====C -0.17 0.2 C=====C -0.26
> / \ / \
> C C -0.06 C C -0.24
> | | | |
> H3 H3 0.04 H3 H3 0.09
> Especially the carbons engaged in the double bond look suspicious to me
> in the resp output (change of one charge from -0.12 with am1-bcc to 0.2
> with resp). Might this be a resp fit artefact?
> My understanding was is the AM1-BCC method was designed to reproduce the
> RESP charges. So, I am wondering if something went wrong here.
> Your comments are highly appreciated.
> Oliver
> =====================================
> Details of what I did are given here:
> AM1-BCC:
> antechamber -fi pdb -i isopren.pdb -fo mol2 -o isopren.mol2 -c bcc
> 1. Geometry optimization with gaussian98:
> # HF/6-31G* opt scf=tight test
> 2. ESP calculation:
> # HF/6-31G* pop=mk iop(6/33=2) iop(6/42=6) geom=check
> Then:
> antechamber -fi gout -i isopren.out -fo ac -o
> espgen -i isopren.out -o isopren.esp
> respgen -i -o isopren.respin1 -f resp1
> respgen -i -o isopren.respin2 -f resp2
> resp -O -i isopren.respin1 -o isopren.respout1 -e isopren.esp \
> -t iso.qout1
> resp -O -i isopren.respin2 -o isopren.respout2 -e isopren.esp \
> -q iso.qout1 -t iso.qout2
> --
> _______________________________________________________________
> Oliver Hucke, Dr.
> Health Sciences Building - K418C
> University of Washington 1959 NE Pacific St.
> Dept. of Biochemistry phone: (206) 685 7046
> Box 357742 fax : (206) 685 7002
> Seattle, WA 98195-7742 email:
> _______________________________________________________________
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