AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: AMBER: Amber8 on Digital UNIX

From: Guillermo Mulliert Carlín (
Date: Mon Jul 05 2004 - 10:30:15 CDT

        I just received Amber 8. I try to compile it in an Digital UNIX V4.0F.
I applied the patches (bugfix.all) in $AMBERHOME

        patch -p0 -N -r patch_rejects <bugfix.all

and all patches succeeded

        In the $AMBERHOME/src directory I taped

        ./configure compaqf90

The configuration file, config.h, was successfully created.

        I do make serial and everything compiles until

f90: Error: _mdread.f, line 1518: This NAMELIST object is invalid. [TRESCNT]
   namelist /cnstph/ stateinf, resstate, protcnt, chrgdat, statene,trescnt,resname
f90: Warning: _mdread.f, line 1286: A dummy argument with an explicit
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value. [STATEINF]
subroutine cnstphread(stateinf,resstate,protcnt,trescnt,&
f90: Warning: _mdread.f, line 1286: A dummy argument with an explicit
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value. [RESSTATE]
subroutine cnstphread(stateinf,resstate,protcnt,trescnt,&
f90: Warning: _mdread.f, line 1286: A dummy argument with an explicit
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value. [PROTCNT]
subroutine cnstphread(stateinf,resstate,protcnt,trescnt,&
f90: Warning: _mdread.f, line 1286: A dummy argument with an explicit
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value. [TRESCNT]
subroutine cnstphread(stateinf,resstate,protcnt,trescnt,&
f90: Warning: _mdread.f, line 1287: A dummy argument with an explicit
INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value. [STATENE]
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1

        Have anyone an idea of how to finish the compilation?

                                        Thanking you in advace

                                        Guillermo Mulliert

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