AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: AMBER: Atom Labels
From: Karl N. Kirschner (
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 15:36:22 CDT
Hey all,
I am trying to setup an Onium calculation in
Gaussian, where I am using the parm94 force field.
Part of the input requires correctly assigning the
atom types by its characters (ie. CT, OH, HC). I have
built a topology using leap, but the atom types appear
to reported as numbers (ie. 1, 2, 3), which I can't
use. Is there a way to print out the atom type using
characters instead of numbers (rdparm, carnal, ptraj)?
My system size is about 8000 atoms.
Thanks for the help,
Karl Nicholas Kirschner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Hamilton College, NY 1323
Karl Nicholas Kirschner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Hamilton College, NY 1323
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