AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: Re: AMBER: Opteron-64bit work station
From: ian gould (
Date: Mon Jun 21 2004 - 11:34:33 CDT
Dear Sachin
I have ported AMBER7 to opteron based systems and have found them to be very
good in terms of performance, they certainly outpace Xeon based systems.
Your configuration looks sensible, as always if you can afford the faster
processors the better, we have systems with 244's and 248's as well as some
older 240's.
"If you want my views of history there is something you should know, the
three men I admire most are Curly, Larry and Mo" Jim Steinman
Dr Ian R Gould
Senior Lecturer Biological and Biophysical Chemistry
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
Tel +44 (0)207 594 5809
Fax +44 (0)207 594 5809
On 21/6/04 5:18 pm, "sachin patil" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are planning to buy a machine to be used for AMBER
> on Linux (molecular dynamics calculations, free energy
> perturbation studies etc.). What do the hardware
> experts recomment within a budget of 2000-3000.-. We
> are very impressed by machines that use the Opteron
> 64-bit processor. However, we don't want something
> that requires a lot of tweaking. Are these new 64-bit
> processors really necessary, or is a regular fast
> 32-bit processor just as useful, especially for
> somebody who does not want to spend too much time to
> get things working.
> The workstation we are planning to build has following
> configuration:
> Motherboard: 110759 - MSI K8T Master2-FAR K8T800 GB-
> 1st Processor : 120803 - AMD Opteron 242 1.6GHz 1MB
> 64/32 Bit
> 2nd Processor: 122803 - AMD Opteron 242 1.6GHz 1MB
> 64/32 Bit
> Memory: 140802-2 DDR (333) 2700 REG ECC - 2 GB (2 pcs
> 1GB)
> Any comments on this configuration would be very much
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> Sachin Patil
> =============
> Department of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry
> University of Toledo
> Toledo, Ohio
> 43606
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