AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: AMBER: Config file for installing Amber 8 on PC with Windows XP
From: fangyu liang (fliang_at_usc.edu)
Does any one have the Config file that I can use to install Amber 8 on PC? Here is the situation:
I tried to install Amber 8 on my PC. My PC is Intel Pentium 4 with Window XP as operating system.
I installed Fortran PowerStation 4.0 and it is Fortran 90 compiler by Microsoft Developer Studio 1994-95. I installed the latest cygwin from www.cygwin.com
I did the following at cygwin:
$./configure -p4
$make serial
An error message showed up, saying 'make' is not a command. Obviously, it doesn't know where the Fortran compiler is in my PC. Amber 8 provides names for Intel compiler(e.g. ifort) and others, but not Fortran PowerStation 4.0.
Does anyone has the right Config file for my type's situation? Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Fangyu Liang
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