AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: AMBER: parallel installation problem

From: Oliver Hucke (
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 19:40:17 CDT

Dear Amber users/developers,

a few days ago I posted a message about my problems with the
installation of parallel amber8 on a linux cluster (Fedora 1.0). I am
still struggling.
I am using the most recent versions of the intel compilers icc and
ifort. I successfully compiled amber8 serial with ifort.

My problem is that the installation of the fortran part of mpich does
not work:
Execution of the configure script for mpich ( leads to the messages:

   checking that Fortran programs can link with needed C functions... no
   Warning: Fortran programs cannot be linked with the C libraries
   Fortran support being turned off

The environment variables for the c- and fortran compilers are set and
recognized by the configure script.

What might cause the problem with the linking of fortran programs with
the C libraries during mpich installation?

Any input is very much appreciated!



Oliver Hucke, Dr. Health Sciences Building - K418C University of Washington 1959 NE Pacific St. Dept. of Biochemistry phone: (206) 685 7046 Box 357742 fax : (206) 685 7002 Seattle, WA 98195-7742 email: _______________________________________________________________

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