AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: AMBER: Computing psec/day using Amber 8

From: Craig TOEPFER (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 13:21:53 CDT

On the Amber website, there are some benchmark results from various
machines/compilers. The results are listed as "ps per day". I am not
sure how to compute this value from the output produced by these set of
benchmarks that are included in the Amber8 distribution. Can you help
me or point me in the right direction.



Craig Toepfer                          
Advanced Compilers and Tools           
AST Portland Lab, STMicroelectronics             Phone:  +1-503-682-2806
9150 SW Pioneer Ct, Suite H                      FAX:    +1-503-682-2637
Wilsonville, OR USA 97070

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