AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: antechamber gives GDP 0 charge

From: Oliver Hucke (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 15:46:06 CDT

Hi Raik,

> antechamber -i GDP_in.pdb -fi pdb -o GDP.prep -fo prepi -nc -3 -rn
GDP -at
> amber -c resp

you need to calculate the electrostatic potential of your molecule with
a QM program like gaussian if you want to apply the resp charge fit (-c
resp). Without the potential information no charges can be fitted.

If you want to go from the pdb structure directly to charges you can use
the AM1-BCC method (-c bcc).

Schoene Gruesse,

Raik Grünberg wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just tried to create parameters for GDP and GTP using antechamber (Amber 7).
> Everything sort of worked but antechamber seemed to not only ignore the
> "-nc -3" parameter but actually assigned charge 0.0 to all atoms.
> It's the first time that I am using it, perhaps I made some obvious mistake.
> Here is the command:
> GDP_in.pdb was prepared from the X-ray structure. I deleted the addidtional P,
> added hydrogens in tleap and added back the P.
> parmchk -i GDP.prep -f prepi -o frcmod.gdp
> gives a frcmod in which some bond angles are marked as missing, although they
> are existing in the parm99.dat. I just copied them over from parm99.dat.
> tleap loads the prep and then the PDB without trouble but all the atoms have 0
> charge. Any ideas anyone, what could have gone wrong?
> Or alternatively, has anyone already parameters ready for GDP / GTP?
> Many thanks!
> Raik
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Raik Grünberg | Bioinformatique Structurale
> | Institut Pasteur
> Tel: +33/ | Paris, France
> -----------------------------------------------------
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Oliver Hucke, Dr. Health Sciences Building - K418C University of Washington 1959 NE Pacific St. Dept. of Biochemistry phone: (206) 685 7046 Box 357742 fax : (206) 685 7002 Seattle, WA 98195-7742 email: _______________________________________________________________

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