AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Redhat install

From: scopio (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 19:32:26 CDT

Dear Chen:

You need to check if you are using csh or not. Please type "echo $SHELL"
to ensure that. Then, open your .cshrc in your home directory and add
the following lines:

# for Amber7
setenv AMBERHOME /usr/local/amber7
set path=($path $AMBERHOME/exe)

Good luck!

Helios Chen wrote:

> Dear all, I install Amber7 in the Redhat9, and complier is completed.
> I write a amber.cshrc as follows:
> set AMBERHOME=/usr/local/amber7
> set PATH=/usr/local/amber7/exe
> ,but I cann't run any executive program(ex. sander, xleap or gibbs).
> The same case happened under /amber7/exe directory. The error message
> as follows: "bash: sander : command not found". Could anyone help me?
> Thanks in advance.

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