AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: AMBER: test output of amber8

From: Oliver Hucke (
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 17:54:38 CST

Dear amber users/developers,

I have just installed amber 8 and run the tests. Most tests pass but for
some I get the message POSSIBLE FAILURE.
Mostly antechamber output files, especially charges, seem to be
different from what is to be expected.
Below you can find the file sustiva.prepin.dif from the directory
"tests/antechamber/sustiva" as an example.
I suppose the differences result from roundoff and are neglectable?
Please correct me if not!

Thanks in advance,


< 5 C1 ca M 4 3 2 1.3 86.8 -162.9 -0.049
< 6 H1 ha E 5 4 3 1.0 120.1 25.5 0.169

 >    5  C1    ca    M    4   3   2     1.3    86.8  -162.9  -0.046
 >    6  H1    ha    E    5   4   3     1.0   120.1    25.5   0.167
<    8  Cl1   cl    E    7   5   4     1.7   119.6  -179.8  -0.075
 >    8  Cl1   cl    E    7   5   4     1.7   119.6  -179.8  -0.076
<   11  C12   ca    M    9   7   5     1.3   119.7     0.1  -0.172
 >   11  C12   ca    M    9   7   5     1.3   119.7     0.1  -0.171
<   13  C11   ca    M   11   9   7     1.3   119.9    -0.5   0.108
<   14  N1    n     M   13  11   9     1.3   121.1   179.9  -0.473
<   15  H7    hn    E   14  13  11     0.9   120.1     3.7   0.356
<   16  C10   c     M   14  13  11     1.3   124.4  -166.5   0.841
<   17  O2    o     E   16  14  13     1.1   123.2   172.5  -0.580
<   18  O1    os    M   16  14  13     1.3   115.7    -5.6  -0.376
 >   13  C11   ca    M   11   9   7     1.3   119.9    -0.5   0.106
 >   14  N1    n     M   13  11   9     1.3   121.1   179.9  -0.471
 >   15  H7    hn    E   14  13  11     0.9   120.1     3.7   0.355
 >   16  C10   c     M   14  13  11     1.3   124.4  -166.5   0.837
 >   17  O2    o     E   16  14  13     1.1   123.2   172.5  -0.577
 >   18  O1    os    M   16  14  13     1.3   115.7    -5.6  -0.374
<   20  C9    c3    3   19  18  16     1.5   105.8   -88.8   0.619
<   21  F1    f     E   20  19  18     1.3   110.0    61.2  -0.228
<   22  F2    f     E   20  19  18     1.3   110.7  -179.3  -0.230
<   23  F3    f     E   20  19  18     1.3   111.5   -58.5  -0.214
<   24  C4    c1    M   19  18  16     1.4   107.2   154.8  -0.197
<   25  C5    c1    M   24  19  18     1.1   179.4   175.8   0.013
<   26  C6    cx    M   25  24  19     1.4   179.6  -134.9  -0.078
 >   20  C9    c3    3   19  18  16     1.5   105.8   -88.8   0.611
 >   21  F1    f     E   20  19  18     1.3   110.0    61.2  -0.231
 >   22  F2    f     E   20  19  18     1.3   110.7  -179.3  -0.228
 >   23  F3    f     E   20  19  18     1.3   111.5   -58.5  -0.216
 >   24  C4    c1    M   19  18  16     1.4   107.2   154.8  -0.190
 >   25  C5    c1    M   24  19  18     1.1   179.4   175.8   0.014
 >   26  C6    cx    M   25  24  19     1.4   179.6  -134.9  -0.079
<   28  C7    cx    M   26  25  24     1.5   119.5   -91.7  -0.107
 >   28  C7    cx    M   26  25  24     1.5   119.5   -91.7  -0.106
<   30  H4    hc    E   28  26  25     1.0   117.3    -0.4   0.082
 >   30  H4    hc    E   28  26  25     1.0   117.3    -0.4   0.083

-- _______________________________________________________________

Oliver Hucke, Dr. Health Sciences Building - K418C University of Washington 1959 NE Pacific St. Dept. of Biochemistry phone: (206) 685 7046 Box 357742 fax : (206) 685 7002 Seattle, WA 98195-7742 email: _______________________________________________________________

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