AMBER Archive (2004)Subject: RE: AMBER: add Na+
From: L Jin (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 04:33:02 CST
Thank you for reply. Now I realize that I do not need to run antechamber. I just
need to add 3 Na+ into my molecule and then save parm files for future use. But
I find it interesting that I can save prmtop and inpcrd files successfully but
fail in saving the prep file with 'segmentation fault'. And in the leap.log the
bottom message is just
> saveAmberPrep MOL "/usr/people/ljin/S-P/TEST/test.prep"
saving prep, residue MOL
saving prep, residue Na+
I used 'addions MOL Na+ 3' to add the 3 Na+. Is the fault because of this
command line? How can I save all files correctly? Thanks a lot.
Quoting Bill Ross <>:
> > Now I have got 3 visible Na+. But when I ran antechamber
> Why are you running antechamber?
> Bill
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