AMBER Archive (2004)

Subject: Re: AMBER: LES

From: Carlos Simmerling (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 15:11:58 CST

I don't think tmd is the right approch to determining relative populations of alternate
docked ligand poses. Perhaps something like MM-PBSA would be better.
tmd may be useful in understanding how the ligand moves from one location
to another, but it doesn't sound like the path is what you want. it sounds like
you want relative binding free energies.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Petr Jeřábek
  Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:08 PM
  Subject: Re: AMBER: LES

  as I wrote, I have a protein of haloakane dehalogenase with small substrate trichlorpropane. From docking, I have got three different positions of this substrate in the active site of the enzyme and I would like to know what is the percentage occurrence of this positions during the simulation. In the previous simulations substrate had tendency to go out from protein ( but from experimental studies is clear that trichloropropane is reactive ).

     Petr Jeřábek
     National Centre for Biomolecular Research
     Masaryk University, Faculty of Science
     Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
     phone: +420732338613

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Carlos Simmerling
    Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:26 PM
    Subject: Re: AMBER: LES

    it _really_ depends on what you're trying to study for your
    system. It isn't clear what you're trying to do. The time of the
    simulation also depends on what you're trying to do and the system
    properties. If you're trying to optimize structure, it can help to
    try several annealing protocols and see if the results are sensitive.
    With LES, you can look to see if the copies converge at the end of the
    annealing, or if they anneal to different conformations.

    ----- Original Message -----
      From: Petr Jeřábek
      Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:10 PM
      Subject: AMBER: LES

      dear amber users

      I use the LES method for the protein (haloalkane dehalogenase about 300 aa) with small substrate(trichloropropane), but I dont have many experiences with LES running. I use these temperature parameters for
      heatin phase:

      &wt type='TEMP0', istep1=0, istep2=2500, value1=298.16,
       &wt type='TEMP0', istep1=2500, istep2=52500, value1=400.0,

      and these for cooling phase:

      &wt type='TEMP0', istep1=0, istep2=80000, value1=400.,

      So, I would like to know if these temperature parameters are optimal for such system.

      best regards
         Petr Jeřábek
         National Centre for Biomolecular Research
         Masaryk University, Faculty of Science
         Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
         phone: +420732338613

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