AMBER Archive (2003)Subject: input problem
From: Herbert Georg (hcgeorg_at_if.usp.br)
Hi there...
I'm new to amber and I've been trying to run some tests, but I'm not
Take a look. This is my md0.in file:
alpha-ciclodextrina isolada a temperatura ambiente (equilibracao)
Note that characters begin in second or later column.
When I use the command:
sander -i md0.in -o md0.out -p alphacd.top -c alphacd.crd -x md0.crd -v
it returns the following:
namelist read: variable not in namelist
and aborts. It reads ( apparently ) successfully the md0.in file, for
| Tue Jul 1 15:32:36 2003
[-O]verwriting output
File Assignments:
Here is the input file:
alpha-ciclodextrina isolada a temperatura ambiente
Don't know what it can be... any help is very welcome.
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