AMBER Archive (2003)

Subject: Re: ambpdb

From: Venkata S Koppuravuri (
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 11:14:34 CDT

i think you can use ptraj to convert restrt file to pdb file.

commands to use would be

ptraj prmtop
trajin restrtfile
trajout pdbfilename pdb

hope this helps

On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Youyi Peng wrote:

> Hi, Dear AMBER users:
> I want to convert restrt file to pdb file. After I typed the command, I
> got the following error message. I checked the prmtop and restrt files.
> Both are normal files. Could you tell me what is wrong and how to avoid
> it? Thanks.
> $ ambpdb -p dor1.prmtop
> | New format PARM file being parsed.
> | Version = 1.000 Date = 04/14/03 Time = 21:34:45
> dor1md2.restrt
> md2.pdb
> fmt: read unexpected character
> apparent state: internal I/O
> last format: (i6)
> lately reading sequential formatted internal IO
> Aborted
> Youyi Peng