AMBER Archive (2002)

Subject: Re: carnal output trajectory

From: Francesca Mocci (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 10:53:31 CST

you can also visualize with vmd the traj without box information:
 edit the parm file and change the "IFBOX" parameter to 0
(for amber 5 parm file format see

Hope this helps you,

> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Vlad Cojocaru wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I found out that OUTPUT COORD option in carnal has an option BOX which
> is not written in the manual.
> With this option I managed to output trajectories in a proper way for
> visualizing them with VMD.
> Now the question is that I want to see the trajectory after fitting
> all the structures to the first frame.
> The BOX option seems not to work anymore when I give to carnal the
> following:
> GROUP g1 (RES 1-17);
> IMAGE img g1%cmass;
> RMS fit1 FIT g1;
> COORD crd fit1 BOX;
> The program gives an error message that tells me that the BOX option
> does not work with fit. If I do not use the BOX option the trajectories
> are again impossible to visualize with VMD.
> Does anyone have any suggestions about this??
> Thanks a lot!
> vlad


Francesca Mocci Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche Universita' di Cagliari e-mail: Phone: +39 070 6754362 Fax: +39 070 6754388
