AMBER Archive (2001)

Subject: params - ADP, neutral ARG

From: Heather A.Carlson (
Date: Mon Feb 26 2001 - 12:58:17 CST

Hi All,

I am looking for parameters for two biomolecules: neutral Arginine
and ADP. Has anyone on the list determined these or have a reference?

Parameterizing neutral Arginine is a big task that we haven't started,
but we are now in the process of creating the phosphate tails for AMP,
ADP, and ATP (based on methyl phosphate, methyl diphosphate, and methyl
triphosphate). We did find one reference for GDP params, but they were
not created in the standard fashion and were not properly "modularized"
so that we can use the diphosphate tail for our project.

Thank you for your help! Heather
   Heather A. Carlson, Ph.D.
   John Gideon Searle Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry

   Assistant Professor of Chemistry

   University of Michigan Phone: (734) 615-6841
   College of Pharmacy (2555 CCL) FAX: (734) 763-2022
   428 Church Street E-mail:
   Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065