#### linuxcommand.org is good starting point###### *************************************************************************************** command: do: ======================================================================================= pwd where are you ctrl c terminat script/command q quit man clean clean the terminal reset reset the terminal man <> manual page cat\less\more <> print file to std nano/gedit <> text editor ps -a -A id# of running processes. top processes that run and the user chmod <> r-4/w-2/x-1 change premission chown user <> change owner kill -9 id stop process killall stop all process wildcard *? ***ls (-ltr) list of file\dir ***cp (-r) <> copy (folder) ***mv <> move file or file name ***cd <> change dir file examine a file type |more after command to disply all the file rm (-rf) <> remove file (folder !!!!)[if use with wildcard do ls befor rm] rmdir <> remove dir mkdir <> make new dir locate <> find &\^z-->bg after command to run it in bg dorsquota |grep user total storage size on DORS du -sh (-a) <> used vol (all files) | pipe line of commads > send output to... >> send output to... without over write >& send output and error output to... < use stdin form... ` ` or $( ) command substitution - executed first and use as a input *************************************************************************************** filters: do: ======================================================================================= sort sort input uniq removes duplicate data grep find and output match to a given pattern fmt output formatted the text pr prepare for printing head output the start of file tail output the edn of file tr awk echo **************************************************************************************** bash var: ======================================================================================== set var --> var_name=some_input $var equal the input 1. $1, $2, $3, ... are the positional parameters. 2. "$@" is an array-like construct of all positional parameters, {$1, $2, $3 ...}. 3. "$*" is the IFS expansion of all positional parameters, $1 $2 $3 .... 4. $# is the number of positional parameters. 5. $- current options set for the shell. 6. $$ pid of the current shell (not subshell). 7. $_ most recent parameter (or the abs path of the command to start the current shell immediately after startup). 8. $IFS is the (input) field separator. 9. $? is the most recent foreground pipeline exit status. 10. $! is the PID of the most recent background command. 11. $0 is the name of the shell or shell script. **************************************************************************************** programs: ======================================================================================== 1.xv print screen 2.okular pdf viewer 3.nano/gedit/emacs text editor 4. 5. 6.