CaBP Data Library General Information


Primary information about S100C:
Basic chemical and physical information
Basic biological information
Basic genomic information
Metal ion binding constants
Interspecies sequence alignment
Information on function
Summary of structural studies
Information on the conformational change List of available structures Information about mutations
References about S100C Other web resources about S100C
Additional information about S100C:
Information about the evolutionary relationship of S100C to other proteins

Basic Information

Additional names and abbreviations: S100C: S100A11 (the gene for this protein is not part of the cluster whose proteins are assigned names S100A1-A100A10); calgizzarin
Isoforms: No information about isoforms is stored in the database
Yeast Protein Database Entries: No links to the YPD are stored in the database

Basic Chemical and Physical Information:
Number of amino acids: 98 (Mus musculus) - 105 (Homo sapiens)
View a list of all sources stored in the database
Molecular weight: 11.083 kD (Mus musculus) - 11.74 kD (Homo sapiens)
View a list of all sources stored in the database
pI: experimental pI (Sus scrofa) = 6.2 (InfoCard)
Number of functional calcium binding sites: not yet available in the data library
Macroscopic calcium binding constants: not yet available in the data library
Other metal binding constants: not yet available in the data library
Protein stability: not yet available in the data library
Post-translational modifications: not yet available in the data library

Basic Biological Information:
Source organisms: Gallus gallus, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Sus scrofa, Oryctolagus cuniculus
View an annotated list of all sources stored in the database
Tissues: Sus scrofa: lung (InfoCard)
Sus scrofa: kidney (InfoCard)
Sus scrofa: heart (InfoCard)
Sus scrofa: adrenal gland (InfoCard)
Subcellular localization: not yet available in the data library
Regulation: not yet available in the data library

Genomic Information:
GenBank entries: not yet available in the data library
Gene length: not yet available in the data library
Gene structure: not yet available in the data library
Promoter: not yet available in the data library
Gene copies: not yet available in the data library
Alleles: no alleles are currently stored in the data library
Chromosomal localization: not yet available in the data library

Interspecies Sequence Alignment





Sequence alignment of the entire S100 subfamily

Functional Information:

General information:

Biological roles:

Disease states:

Target molecules:

Structural Information:

not yet available in the data library

Nature of the conformational changes:
not yet available in the data library

Secondary structure:
(as reported in the PDB file and its accompanying reference)
not yet available in the data library

Additional structural information:
no additional structural information is currently stored in the database

Available structures:
(follow the links from the PDB code to the retrieve the
PDB files)
no structures are currently stored in the database

Information about mutants: