CaBP Data Library General Information


Primary information about parvalbumin:
Basic chemical and physical information
Basic biological information
Basic genomic information
Metal ion binding constants
Interspecies sequence alignment
Information on function
Summary of structural studies
Information on the conformational change List of available structures Information about mutations
References about parvalbumin Other web resources about parvalbumin
Additional information about parvalbumin:
Information about the evolutionary relationship of parvalbumin to other proteins

Basic Information

Additional names and abbreviations: parvalbumin: oncomodulin (mammalian beta lineage parvalbumin)
Isoforms: alpha lineage
beta lineage
beta lineage isoform 1
beta lineage isoform 2
Yeast Protein Database Entries: No links to the YPD are stored in the database

Basic Chemical and Physical Information:
Number of amino acids: alpha lineage: 95 (Cavia porcellus) - 111 (Latimeria chalumnae)
beta lineage: 106 (Leuciscus cephalus) - 113 (Gadus callarias)
beta lineage isoform 1: 109 (all species)
beta lineage isoform 2: 108 (all species)
View a list of all sources stored in the database
Molecular weight: alpha lineage: 10.545 kD (Cavia porcellus) - 12.21 kD (Felis silvestris catus)
beta lineage: 11.263 kD (Leuciscus cephalus) - 12.129 kD (Mus musculus)
beta lineage isoform 1: 11.888 kD (all species)
beta lineage isoform 2: 11.523 kD (all species)
View a list of all sources stored in the database
pI: not yet available in the data library
Number of functional calcium binding sites: beta lineage, Cyprinus carpio: 2 (InfoCard)
Macroscopic calcium binding constants: beta lineage, Cyprinus carpio, medium salt: K1 = 2.7 x 109; K2 = 2.7 x 109 (measured by: equilibrium dialysis pH: 7.4 temperature: 25 degrees Celsius salt: 80 mM KCl buffer: 0.025 M Tris-HCl, 1e-04 M dithiothreitol ) (InfoCard)
Other metal binding constants: Mg: beta lineage, Cyprinus carpio, medium salt: K1 = 9.50 x 104; K2 = 9.50 x 104 (measured by: equilibrium dialysis pH: 7.4 temperature: 25 degrees Celsius salt: 80 mM KCl buffer: 0.025 M Tris-HCl, 1e-04 M dithiothreitol ) (InfoCard)
Mg: beta lineage, Rattus norvegicus, high salt: K1 = 4.00 x 103 (measured by: flow dialysis pH: 7.5 temperature: 25 degrees Celsius salt: 150 mM NaCl buffer: 0.02 M Tris-HCl, 0.001 M dithiothreitol ) (InfoCard)
Protein stability: not yet available in the data library
Post-translational modifications: not yet available in the data library

Basic Biological Information:
Source organisms: alpha lineage: Amphiuma means, Cyprinus carpio, Felis silvestris catus, Gerbillus sp, Cavia porcellus, Homo sapiens, Latimeria chalumnae, Triakis semifasciata, Macaca fuscata fuscata, Mus musculus, Esox lucius, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Raja clavata, Rana catesbeiana, Rana esculenta, Rattus norvegicus
beta lineage: Amphiuma means, Gadus callarias, Boa constrictor, Cyprinus carpio, Merluccius merluccius, Cavia porcellus, Homo sapiens, Latimeria chalumnae, Leuciscus cephalus, Graptemys geographica, Mus musculus, Esox lucius, Rana esculenta, Rattus norvegicus, Merluccius bilinearis, Opsanus tau, Merlangius merlangus, Xenopus laevis
beta lineage isoform 1: Salmo salar
beta lineage isoform 2: Salmo salar

View an annotated list of all sources stored in the database
Tissues: alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: brain (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: heart (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: lung (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: liver (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: spleen (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: kidney (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: intestine (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: bladder (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: adrenal gland (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: testis (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: adipose tissue (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: xiphoid tissue (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus: muscle (InfoCard)
Subcellular localization: not yet available in the data library
Regulation: not yet available in the data library

Genomic Information:
GenBank entries: View a list of GenBank entries stored in the database
Gene length: not yet available in the data library
Gene structure: not yet available in the data library
Promoter: not yet available in the data library
Gene copies: not yet available in the data library
Alleles: no alleles are currently stored in the data library
Chromosomal localization: alpha lineage, Homo sapiens, expressed (GenBank code X63578): q12.q13.1 region of chromosome 22 (InfoCard)
alpha lineage, Mus musculus, expressed (GenBank code X54613): sub-band E region of chromosome 15 (InfoCard)
beta lineage, Homo sapiens, expressed (GenBank code SEG_HUMOMDLN0): p11-p13 region of chromosome 7 (InfoCard)
beta lineage, Mus musculus, expressed (GenBank code S51655): sub-band G1-3 region of chromosome 5 (InfoCard)

Interspecies Sequence Alignment



         |--loop1----|helixII|         |helixIII|--loop2----|
          X*Y*ZG#Ix**zn**nn*n           En**nn**nX*Y*ZG#Ix**z 




Sequence alignment of the entire parvalbumin subfamily

Functional Information:

General information:

Biological roles:

Disease states:

Target molecules:

Structural Information:

not yet available in the data library

Nature of the conformational changes:
not yet available in the data library

Secondary structure:
(as reported in the PDB file and its accompanying reference)
not yet available in the data library

Additional structural information:

Available structures:
(follow the links from the PDB code to the retrieve the
PDB files)
Calcium Loaded Structures:
2PAS: alpha lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein, pH 4.3
NMR solution structure, 9 models, 10.88 restraints per residue
2 Ca ions bound
1RTP: alpha lineage, Rattus norvegicus, full length protein, pH 4.9
Crystal structure, 2 angstrom resolution, R-value = 18.1
2 Ca ions bound
5PAL: alpha lineage, Triakis semifasciata, full length protein, pH 5.6
Crystal structure, 1.54 angstrom resolution, R-value = 17.3
2 Ca ions bound
1PVA: alpha lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.65 angstrom resolution, R-value = 19.6
2 Ca ions bound
1PAL: beta lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.65 angstrom resolution, R-value = 19.7
2 Ca ions bound
3PAL: beta lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 2.4 angstrom resolution, R-value = 16.7
2 Ca ions bound
1 Mg ion bound
1PVB: beta lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.75 angstrom resolution, R-value = 16.8
1 Mg ion bound
4CPV: beta lineage, Cyprinus carpio, full length protein, pH 6.56
Crystal structure, 1.5 angstrom resolution, R-value = 21.5
2 Ca ions bound
5CPV: beta lineage, Cyprinus carpio, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.6 angstrom resolution, R-value = 18.7
2 Ca ions bound
1RRO: beta lineage, Rattus norvegicus, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.3 angstrom resolution, R-value = 16.9
2 Ca ions bound
1OMD: beta lineage, Rattus norvegicus, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.85 angstrom resolution, R-value = 16.6
2 Ca ions bound
Other Metal Bound Structures:
0CPT: alpha lineage, Opsanus tau, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 3.2 angstrom resolution, R-value = 26
2 Tb ions bound
2PAL: beta lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.8 angstrom resolution, R-value = 17.2
3 Mn ions bound
4PAL: beta lineage, Esox lucius, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.8 angstrom resolution, R-value = 18
1 Ca ion bound
1 Mg ion bound
1CDP: beta lineage, Cyprinus carpio, full length protein,
Crystal structure, 1.6 angstrom resolution, R-value = 16.4
2 Ca ions bound

Information about mutants: