c c define the lengths c c c number of atoms, number atom types, number of residues c integer maxnatom,maxntypes,maxnres parameter (maxnatom=75600,maxntypes=10000,maxnres=30000) c c number of bond types, angle types and dihedral types c integer maxbndt,maxangt,maxdiht parameter (maxbndt=500000,maxangt=600000,maxdiht=100000) c c number of bonds, angles and dihedrals of each type c integer maxbnd,maxang,maxdih parameter (maxbnd=5000000,maxang=80000,maxdih=83280) c c max natyp (is that used by amber?), number of exclusions, hbond pair types c integer maxnatyp,maxnext,maxnphb parameter (maxnatyp=1000000,maxnext=10000000,maxnphb=100000) c c max atoms per solvent molecule c= integer maxnspm parameter (maxnspm=200000) c c max number of copies you can make c integer maxcopy parameter (maxcopy=80)