AMBER Archive (2009)

Subject: Re: [AMBER] translate multiple residues

From: Taufik Al-Sarraj (
Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 - 16:32:30 CDT

Thanks Bill, but i really need to use xleap, the parts to my system are
in mol2 format. VMD may work but Sirius did not work for me. I prefer to
use one one software for my setup. It would be really great if the
translate function (not the click and drag using the mouse) can be used
on more than one residue at a time.

Bill Ross wrote:
>> i would like to be able to move (translate) all the dna
>> e.g. translate sys2.4:22 {x y z}
>> or translate sys2.4-22 {x y z}
>> is this possible? the above gave me syntax errors
> I suspect the system is centered on the origin (vacuum) or in the
> box with a corner on the origin (periodic boundary) when saving
> parm files, so the only moves that matter would be one molecule
> relative to another. You can select and drag/rotate in xleap, tho
> other editors may be more intuitive.
> Bill
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