AMBER Archive (2009)

Subject: Re: [AMBER] "nan" in gaussian input files generated by antechamber

From: FyD (
Date: Sat Sep 12 2009 - 09:58:52 CDT


> I am using antechamber to generate input files for Gaussian. Input file is
> TMS.mol2 and output file is However, there are several "nan"
> parameter in Gaussian input files. I think all of these parameters can be
> calculated by Cartesian coordinates in mol2 files. Would you please tell me
> why is that happen?

& what about using R.E.D. ?

You create a P2N file - pay attention for chemically equivalent atoms
in your TMS molecule - define the required constraints. R.E.D. will
build the FF library for your TMS molecular fragment.

You will find a mini tutorial in the distribution...

regards, Francois

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