AMBER Archive (2009)

Subject: 回复: [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)

From: 廖青华 (
Date: Sat Jun 13 2009 - 07:44:31 CDT

Hi Maryam Hamzehee,
I also encountered the same problem you put forward in the last mail. The problem is mainly because something wrong with your input file,
You have filled the wrong number of the receptor and ligand, I think. You should check it by regenerating the pdb file from your *.prmtop and *.inpcrd files of complex using command ambpdb.
Good luck!
Qinghua Liao or

发件人: Maryam Hamzehee <>
已发送: 2009/6/13(周六), 下午5:53:43
主题: [AMBER] too high in binding energy (MM-PBSA)

Dear All
I am doing a simulation to calculate binding energy for a complex almost in a similar way to that mentioned for “Tutorial A3: MM-PBSA”.  I have performed the MD for the ligand-protein complex up to 4ns, the results are shown below:
#                  COMPLEX                RECEPTOR                  LIGAND
#          ----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------

#                  MEAN        STD         MEAN        STD         MEAN        S
#          ======================= ======================= =====================
ELE           -17522.63     140.50    -15680.04     175.32     -1464.72      72.88
VDW            -2184.97      35.92     16218.97      94.50   1019955.82   28749.20
INT            11460.75      67.35     10503.06      63.03   3397603.93  535323.59
GAS            -8246.85     147.21     11041.99     212.12   4416095.03  537408.13
PBSUR            211.35       1.93       203.32       1.85        33.58       0.64
PBCAL          -6424.57     128.02     -6187.77     156.53     -2137.68     213.57
PBSOL          -6213.22     127.07     -5984.45     155.42     -2104.10     213.53
PBELE         -23947.20      46.55    -21867.81      47.02     -3602.40     205.89
PBTOT         -14460.07      68.33      5057.54     112.99   4413990.93  537351.27
GBSUR            211.35       1.93       203.32       1.85        33.58       0.64
GB             -6537.48     130.17     -6309.73     157.62     -1630.23      44.54
GBSOL          -6326.13     129.22     -6106.41     156.51     -1596.65      44.33
GBELE         -24060.11      39.42    -21989.77      40.38     -3094.95      62.88
GBTOT         -14572.98      67.59      4935.58     113.98   4414498.38  537397.88
#                    DELTA
#          -----------------------
#                  MEAN        STD
#          =======================
ELE             -377.88     122.64
VDW         -1038359.76   28742.84
INT         -3396646.24  535320.32
GAS         -4435383.87  537455.24
PBSUR            -25.56       1.02
PBCAL           1900.89     247.22
PBSOL           1875.33     246.84
PBELE           1523.01     204.69
PBTOT       -4433508.54  537355.75
GBSUR            -25.56       1.02
GB              1402.49     122.13
GBSOL           1376.93     121.44
GBELE           1024.61      62.02
GBTOT       -4434006.94  537403.59
As far as I concerned the PBTOT shows the total binding free energy, in our calculation PBTOT is -4433508.54. It is highly negative. I think the large amount of this figure is related to ligand, what is wrong with my simulation.
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated,

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