AMBER Archive (2009)

Subject: [AMBER] REM_hybrid test fails on AIX

From: Shan-ho Tsai (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2009 - 14:28:04 CST

Dear all,

I am trying to build Amber10 using XLF 9.1 on an IBM
power4+ node, running AIX 5.2. The serial version
compiled fine and all tests passed. I am building the
parallel version with

./configure_amber -mpi -nobintraj xlf90_aix

(The -nobintraj option was necessary to avoid an
error in the netcdf support. I got the hint from
a posting in the Amber mailing-list archive.)

gmake parallel

There were no fatal errors, although there were
some compilation warnings. I will send this in,
if they are helpful in troubleshooting.

I ran the tests with 2 and with 4 processors and the
rem_hybrid test failed drastically. All other tests
passed (for rem_gb_2rep, rem_wat, and rem_gb_4rep
I had to replace the final "&end" by "/" in,
etc, then the tests ran and passed).

For rem_hybrid the differences in the results are
shown below (sorry for the long attachment). The
results that I get with 2 and with 4 processors
are basically the same.

Any ideas where the problem is coming from? Does this
indicate a problem in my build of sander.MPI, or could
it be in some other components of the package?

I will appreciate any help, thank you very much!

Shan-Ho Tsai


cd test/rem_hybrid
more rem.log.dif
< 1 1.05 0. -615.76 300.00 330.00 0. -1
< 2 0.95 0. -615.76 330.00 300.00 2.00 -1

>  1      1.05      0.  -1449.96    300.00    330.00      0.      -1
>  2      0.95      0.  -1449.96    330.00    300.00      2.00      -1
<  1     -1.00    306.08   -631.47    330.00    330.00      1.00      -1
<  2     -1.00    287.73   -633.87    300.00    300.00      0.      -1
>  1     -1.00    306.08  -1476.92    330.00    330.00      1.00      -1
>  2     -1.00    287.73  -1483.62    300.00    300.00      0.      -1
<  1      0.95    315.08   -637.77    330.00    300.00      1.33      -1
<  2      1.05    293.57   -646.02    300.00    330.00      0.      -1
>  1      0.95    315.08  -1460.95    330.00    300.00      1.33      -1
>  2      1.05    293.57  -1469.42    300.00    330.00      0.      -1
<  1     -1.00    304.94   -644.16    300.00    300.00      0.      -1
<  2     -1.00    314.73   -618.46    330.00    330.00      1.00      -1
>  1      1.05    304.94  -1446.49    300.00    330.00      0.50      -1
>  2      0.95    314.73  -1443.87    330.00    300.00      1.00      -1
<  1      1.05    305.31   -632.00    300.00    330.00      0.      -1
<  2      0.95    331.82   -634.68    330.00    300.00      1.20      -1
>  1     -1.00    328.73  -1423.95    330.00    330.00      0.80      -1
>  2     -1.00    302.93  -1464.90    300.00    300.00      0.40      -1

more rem.out.000.dif 103c103 < Etot = 0. EKtot = 0. EPtot = -615.7571 > Etot = 0. EKtot = 0. EPtot = -1449.9604 105c105 < 1-4 NB = 7.4866 1-4 EEL = 188.0174 VDWAALS = 40.1059 > 1-4 NB = 7.4866 1-4 EEL = 188.0174 VDWAALS = -33.3155 106c106 < EELEC = -554.0010 EGB = -351.4090 RESTRAINT = 0. > EELEC = -1666.1920 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 109c109 < HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -615.757076 myTargetTemp= 300.00 > HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -1449.960432 myTargetTemp= 300.00 112c112 < REMD: myEptot= -615.7571 myTargetTemp= 300.00 mytemp= 0. > REMD: myEptot= -1449.9604 myTargetTemp= 300.00 mytemp= 0. 115c115 < Replica Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 1 EPot= -615.76 > Replica Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 1 EPot= -1449.96 116c116 < Partner Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 2 EPot= -615.76 > Partner Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 2 EPot= -1449.96 134c134 < Etot = -4423.4456 EKtot = 1116.4185 EPtot = -631.4715 > Etot = -4423.4456 EKtot = 1116.4185 EPtot = -1476.9172 136c136 < 1-4 NB = 7.5326 1-4 EEL = 189.5146 VDWAALS = 48.5476 > 1-4 NB = 7.5326 1-4 EEL = 189.5146 VDWAALS = -24.9332 137c137 < EELEC = -588.8497 EGB = -340.5247 RESTRAINT = 0. > EELEC = -1701.3395 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 140c140 < HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -631.471470 myTargetTemp= 330.00 > HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -1476.917212 myTargetTemp= 330.00 143c143 < REMD: myEptot= -631.4715 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 306.08 > REMD: myEptot= -1476.9172 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 306.08 146c146 < Replica Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 1 EPot= -631.47 > Replica Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 1 EPot= -1476.92 147c147 < Partner Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 2 EPot= -633.87 > Partner Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 2 EPot= -1483.62 148c148 < Metrop= 0.693339 delta= 0.366236 o_scaling= -1.00 > Metrop= 0.360092 delta= 0.102140E+1 o_scaling= -1.00 164c164 < Etot = -4361.1223 EKtot = 1149.2439 EPtot = -637.7723 > Etot = -4361.1223 EKtot = 1149.2439 EPtot = -1460.9523 166c166 < 1-4 NB = 7.5561 1-4 EEL = 193.2855 VDWAALS = 23.7733 > 1-4 NB = 7.5561 1-4 EEL = 193.2855 VDWAALS = -49.5774 167c167 < EELEC = -547.2488 EGB = -362.8246 RESTRAINT = 0. > EELEC = -1659.9027 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 170c170 < HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -637.772305 myTargetTemp= 330.00 > HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -1460.952281 myTargetTemp= 330.00 173c173 < REMD: myEptot= -637.7723 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 315.08 > REMD: myEptot= -1460.9523 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 315.08 176c176 < Replica Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 1 EPot= -637.77 > Replica Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 1 EPot= -1460.95 177c177 < Partner Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 2 EPot= -646.02 > Partner Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 2 EPot= -1469.42 178c178 < Metrop= 0.284459 delta= 0.125717E+1 o_scaling= 1.05 > Metrop= 0.275217 delta= 0.129019E+1 o_scaling= 1.05 195c195 < Etot = -4505.9643 EKtot = 1112.2506 EPtot = -644.1607 > Etot = -4505.9643 EKtot = 1112.2506 EPtot = -1446.4932 197c197 < 1-4 NB = 4.7484 1-4 EEL = 187.9445 VDWAALS = 31.3683 > 1-4 NB = 4.7484 1-4 EEL = 187.9445 VDWAALS = -42.1405 198c198 < EELEC = -539.5024 EGB = -383.9046 RESTRAINT = 0. > EELEC = -1652.2307 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 201c201 < HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -644.160702 myTargetTemp= 300.00 > HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -1446.493151 myTargetTemp= 300.00 204c204 < REMD: myEptot= -644.1607 myTargetTemp= 300.00 mytemp= 304.94 > REMD: myEptot= -1446.4932 myTargetTemp= 300.00 mytemp= 304.94 207c207 < Replica Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 1 EPot= -644.16 > Replica Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 1 EPot= -1446.49 208c208 < Partner Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 2 EPot= -618.46 > Partner Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 2 EPot= -1443.87 210c210 < Rand= 0.386803 MyScaling= -1.00 Success= F > Rand= 0.386803 MyScaling= 1.05 Success= T 212c212 < REMD: checking to see if bath T has changed: 300.00->300.00 > REMD: checking to see if bath T has changed: 300.00->330.00 213c213 < NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 15.800 TEMP(K) = 305.31 PRESS = 0.> REMD: scaling velocities by 1.049 to match new bath T 330.000 214c214 < Etot = -4556.3305 EKtot = 1113.6288 EPtot = -5669.9593 > NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 15.800 TEMP(K) = 328.73 PRESS = 0.215c215 < BOND = 4.2564 ANGLE = 17.6520 DIHED = 31.5411 > Etot = -4373.0998 EKtot = 1199.0250 EPtot = -5572.1248 216c216 < 1-4 NB = 7.6838 1-4 EEL = 194.7946 VDWAALS = 791.0854 > BOND = 4.7470 ANGLE = 19.1743 DIHED = 32.7969 217c217 < EELEC = -6716.9724 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. > 1-4 NB = 8.0789 1-4 EEL = 195.0715 VDWAALS = 784.4455 218c218 < TEMP0 = 300.0000 REPNUM = 1 EXCHANGE# = 4 > EELEC = -6616.4389 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 219c219 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > TEMP0 = 330.0000 REPNUM = 1 EXCHANGE# = 4 220c220 < =================HYBRID REMD: energy calc for exch 5=================> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 221c221 < HYBRID REMD: Stripping waters > =================HYBRID REMD: energy calc for exch 5=================222c222 < HYBRID REMD: New natom= 192 > HYBRID REMD: Stripping waters 223c223 < HYBRID REMD: Calling force. > HYBRID REMD: New natom= 192 224c224 < NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 15.800 TEMP(K) = 305.31 PRESS = 0.> HYBRID REMD: Calling force. 225c225 < Etot = -4556.3305 EKtot = 1113.6288 EPtot = -632.0033 > NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 15.800 TEMP(K) = 328.73 PRESS = 0.226c226 < BOND = 4.8229 ANGLE = 18.4858 DIHED = 30.1789 > Etot = -4373.0998 EKtot = 1199.0250 EPtot = -1423.9451 227c227 < 1-4 NB = 7.3038 1-4 EEL = 194.7493 VDWAALS = 22.4060 > BOND = 5.3650 ANGLE = 20.2923 DIHED = 31.2661 228c228 < EELEC = -532.2645 EGB = -377.6855 RESTRAINT = 0. > 1-4 NB = 7.6322 1-4 EEL = 195.0276 VDWAALS = -54.3902 229c229 < TEMP0 = 300.0000 REPNUM = 1 EXCHANGE# = 4 > EELEC = -1629.1382 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 230c230 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > TEMP0 = 330.0000 REPNUM = 1 EXCHANGE# = 4 231c231 < HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -632.003252 myTargetTemp= 300.00 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 232c232 < HYBRID REMD: Restoring... > HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -1423.945135 myTargetTemp= 330.00 233c233 < =========================END HYBRID REMD energy calc.=========================> HYBRID REMD: Restoring... 234c234 < REMD: myEptot= -632.0033 myTargetTemp= 300.00 mytemp= 305.31 > =========================END HYBRID REMD energy calc.=========================235c235 < ==========================REMD EXCHANGE CALCULATION========================== > REMD: myEptot= -1423.9451 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 328.73 236c236 < Exch= 5 RREMD= 0 > ==========================REMD EXCHANGE CALCULATION========================== 237c237 < Replica Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 1 EPot= -632.00 > Exch= 5 RREMD= 0 238c238 < Partner Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 2 EPot= -634.68 > Replica Temp= 330.00 Indx= 2 Rep#= 1 EPot= -1423.95 239c239 < Not controlling exchange. > Partner Temp= 300.00 Indx= 1 Rep#= 2 EPot= -1464.90 240c240 < Rand= 0.470507E-2 MyScaling= 1.05 Success= T > Metrop= 0.194365E-2 delta= 0.624319E+1 o_scaling= -1.00 241c241 < ========================END REMD EXCHANGE CALCULATION======================== > Rand= 0.470507E-2 MyScaling= -1.00 Success= F 242c242 < REMD: checking to see if bath T has changed: 300.00->330.00 > ========================END REMD EXCHANGE CALCULATION======================== 243c243 < REMD: scaling velocities by 1.049 to match new bath T 330.000 > REMD: checking to see if bath T has changed: 330.00->330.00 247c247 < NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 16.000 TEMP(K) = 326.47 PRESS = 0.> NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 16.000 TEMP(K) = 336.21 PRESS = 0.248c248 < Etot = -4385.2341 EKtot = 1190.8114 EPtot = -5576.0455 > Etot = -4353.4141 EKtot = 1226.3075 EPtot = -5579.7216 249c249 < BOND = 6.9897 ANGLE = 22.5884 DIHED = 27.7377 > BOND = 7.9891 ANGLE = 23.2259 DIHED = 27.8315 250c250 < 1-4 NB = 6.9502 1-4 EEL = 186.3490 VDWAALS = 794.2917 > 1-4 NB = 7.2725 1-4 EEL = 186.5165 VDWAALS = 838.7776 251c251 < EELEC = -6620.9521 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. > EELEC = -6671.3347 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 258c258 < NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 16.000 TEMP(K) = 326.47 PRESS = 0.> NSTEP = 100 TIME(PS) = 16.000 TEMP(K) = 336.21 PRESS = 0.259c259 < Etot = -4385.2341 EKtot = 1190.8114 EPtot = -631.1708 > Etot = -4353.4141 EKtot = 1226.3075 EPtot = -1434.4536 260c260 < BOND = 9.6817 ANGLE = 18.3629 DIHED = 26.7447 > BOND = 10.8267 ANGLE = 19.8228 DIHED = 26.8090 261c261 < 1-4 NB = 6.9195 1-4 EEL = 185.4399 VDWAALS = 26.6514 > 1-4 NB = 7.3387 1-4 EEL = 185.8639 VDWAALS = -56.6052 262c262 < EELEC = -510.5562 EGB = -394.4147 RESTRAINT = 0. > EELEC = -1628.5094 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0. 265c265 < HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -631.170812 myTargetTemp= 330.00 > HYBRID REMD: myEptot= -1434.453579 myTargetTemp= 330.00 268c268 < REMD: myEptot= -631.1708 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 326.47 > REMD: myEptot= -1434.4536 myTargetTemp= 330.00 mytemp= 336.21 ### Maximum absolute error in matching lines = 1.12e+03 at line 262 field 3 ### Maximum relative error in matching lines = 3.09e+00 at line 166 field 11

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