AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: AMBER: RDF: Segmentation fault

From: Sergey Samsonov (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2008 - 03:13:29 CDT

Dear AMBERs,

I'm performing RDF analysis and facing the following problem:
when I have, for example,

radial output1 0.1 10 :WAT_at_H1 /solute_mask
it works.

But if I specify both :WAT_at_H1,H2 or simply :WAT_at_H2 for solvent_mask
without any other changes, it gives me "Segmentation fault" at the end
of trajectory reading:

Set 2100 .................................................
Set 2150 .................................................
Set 2200 .................................................
Set 2250 .................................................
Set 2300 .................................................
Set 2350 .................................................
Set 2400 .................................................
Set 2450 .................................................
Set 2500 Segmentation fault

I have already found this question in AMBER mailing list but no answer.

Thank you very much in advance!

Best reagrds,

The AMBER Mail Reflector
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